

Jeff Spencer is a petroleum geologist and oilfield historian living and working near Houston, Texas.  He received a BS in Geology from the University of Cincinnati and a MS in Earth Sciences from the University of New Orleans.  He has authored or co-authored more than 30 oil field history papers.  He is co-author of the book Ohio Oil and Gas (2008) and he authored Texas Oil and Gas (2013); both books on oilfield history through photographs and postcards. Jeff is a Charter Member of the Petroleum History Institute (PHI) and currently serves as the president. Jeff is also the Historian for the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS).   He collects petroleum-related postcards, photographs, postal covers, movie memorabilia, trade cards, and other assorted odds and ends.  More of his employment information is on LinkedIn.

Postings to this blog will primarily include petroleum history ephemera, but other petroleum-related historical material will also be included.